October News Part 1
Please take some time and sign our guestbook!
of Annoucement at Relson's Academy tomorrow
I apologize for not being more specific, I guess I am under the
assumption that everyone knows that I only go to the night classes
from 5:30-8:30PM.
The announcement
will be made at approximately 7:30PM. There will be one finals match at that
time from the tournament held this weekend and then the announcement
will follow.
The main academy's telephone number is 589-2524.
of the Day
you think education is expensive, try ignorance."
Derek Bok
Announcement at the Relson Gracie Academy on Monday!
All Relson
Gracie students are asked to come to the main academy on Monday
because a big annoucement is going to be made there that you
do not want to miss.
The address is 844 Queen Street. If you are going down Ward Avenue
(heading Makai), take a right on Queen Street and the academy
is on the right hand side on the second floor. Please tell all the other students that
you know about this too, just in case they commit the unpardonable sin
of not checking this page EVERY SINGLE DAY.
In fact, if they don't check the page daily, choke them for us. |
response to eye gouging Takahashi soon.
I talked
to Marcelo Tigre at the Gracie International tournament to get
his comments about the accusation that he eye gouged Yoshiki
Takahashi in a recent Pancrase heavyweight tournament. I hope
to transcribe it soon and will post it here and on Full Contact
Fighter. By the way, if the name Takahashi sounds familiar, it
is because he is the guy who handed Wallid Ismael his ass in
the UFC. In fact, if you remember the match, Takahashi caused
everyone to see WAY TOO MUCH of Wallid's ass in the fight (for
those who did not see the fight, Takahashi was grabbing Ismael's
shorts and giving him the wedgie of a lifetime). |
Gracie Intl BJJ Tournament Results
Kaiser High School Gym
Saturday, October 13, 2001
This was probably the most prepared tournament that we ever
put on, but attendance was low in comparison to tournments of
the past. I guess the NAGA tournament that took place last month,
took more of a toll than we thought. It was nice to have "new
blood" to compete against, in the form of the All American
Academy though. We also want to thank Maxercise's Steve Maxwell
for being an excellent referee. The tournament got started at
9:30AM, 30 minutes late, primarily because of late entrants,
who probably did not think that we could do it. We will probably
start our tournaments earlier and ON TIME, so please be prepared
for the next one!

Brandon Bernadino
versus Lance Viliegam; Steve Maxwell referee
(sorry Lance, I know that I mispelled your last name)
The team results are as follows:
Team Title:
1st Place: Relson Gracie - 33 points
2nd Place: Brazilian Freestyle Jiu-Jitsu/ Team Tiger (Combined
team) - 16 points
3rd Place: All American Academy (Combat-Do) - 11 points
4th Place: Nova Uniao - 4 points
Kids Divisions:
Kids White Belt Open
1st Place: Tracy Vega (All American Academy)
2nd Place: Kekoa Biroan (Relson Gracie)
(Girls) White Belt Open
1st Place: Tracy Vega (All American Academy)
Yellow Belt Open
1st Place: Bubba (Team Tiger)
Women's Division:
Women's Blue Belt Open
1st Place: Maribel Vega (All American Academy)
2nd Place: A.J. Jenkins (Relson Gracie)
Men's White
Men's White Belt 135-147lbs
1st Place: Wilfred Prajtus (All American Academy)
2nd Place: Dennis Laudet (Relson Gracie)
White Belt 148-160lbs
1st Place: Robert Illae (Team Tiger)
2nd Place: Stefan Turner (Relson Gracie)
White Belt 161-173lbs
1st Place: Kiahi (Nova Uniao)
2nd Place: Wilson Borjes (All American Academy)
White Belt 174-187lbs
1st Place: Rick Rendon (Relson Gracie)
White Belt 188-200lbs
1st Place: Nathan Blandon (BFJJ)
2nd Place: Gye Nitta (Relson Gracie)
White Belt 201-226lbs
1st Place: Marc Chang (Team Tiger)
2nd Place: Jason Fowler (All American Academy)
White Belt 227lbs & Up
1st Place: Dexter Kauhi (Team Tiger)
Men's Blue
Men's Blue Belt 122-134lbs
1st Place: Brandon Bernadino (Relson Gracie)
2nd Place: Lance Viliegam (Team Tiger)
Blue Belt 135-147lbs
1st Place: Brad Nakamura (Relson Gracie)
2nd Place: Freedom Dennis (Relson Gracie)
Blue Belt 148-160lbs
1st Place & 2nd Place: Kyle Yugawa & Phil Cardella (Relson
Blue Belt 174-187lbs
1st Place: Pono Panangam (Relson Gracie)
2nd Place: Lee Theros (BFJJ)
Blue Belt 188-200lbs
1st Place: Harris Brummer (Relson Gracie)
2nd Place: Demian Dressler (BFJJ)
Blue Belt 227lbs & Up
1st Place: Malcolm Ahlo (Relson Gracie)
Men's Masters
Blue Belt:
Men's Masters Blue Belt Open
1st Place: Malcolm Ahlo (Relson Gracie)
2nd Place: Stacy Iwasaki
Men's Purple
Men's Purple Belt Under 147lbs (Constructed weight class)
1st Place: Shane Agena (Relson Gracie)
2nd Place: Jay Penn (Nova Uniao)
(Open) Divisions:
Men's White Belt
1st Place: Nathan Blondon (BFJJ)
2nd Place: Marc Chang (Team Tiger)
Blue Belt
1st Place: Phil Cardella (Relson Gracie)
2nd Place: Malcolm Ahlo (Relson Gracie) |
Tournament Next Saturday
Haleiwa Beach Park
Saturday, October 20, 2001
Joao Morais, instructor of North Shore Freestyle Jiu-Jitsu is
putting on a BJJ tournament next Saturday at the large event
that they are holding at Haleiwa Beach Park. This tournament
was put on with short notice because the event organizer asked
Joao if he could run a tournament at the event.
If you still have some fight left in you after yesterday, check
out Joao's tournament. I do not have any more information. Please
contact Joao at NorthShoreJJ@cs.com, if you are interested.
of the Day
This is
a great quote for today's tournament.
sayings were gathered by Mary Kawena Pukui and can be found in
'Olelo No'eau , Bishop Museum Press.
He lawai'a no ke kai papa'u, he pokole ke aho; he lawai'a no
ke kai hohonu he loa ke aho.
Translation: A fisherman of shallow seas uses only a short line;
a fisherman of the deep sea uses a long line.
Explanation: You will reach only as far as you aim and prepare
yourself to reach.
tell me what I can or can't post!
It has recently come to my attention that there are people that
think that they are spies out there. They think that this news
page is our very own little posting board to a few select people
and that the things that we post here are supposed to be kept
secret and some people are not supposed to see our comments or
posts. Well let me tell you this, our page is widely read and
we are actively seeking to expand its readership by letting anyone
and everyone know about it on a daily basis.
We will
post anything and everything that we feel like posting period.
We try to maintain good relationships with everyone from all
the different academies in the state. Especially because we used
to train with most of the older guys that are now at different
academies. Everyone must choose their own path in life and who
are we to judge them for taking a path different from ours? We
also try to help out those people that we call friends in ANY
way that we can. And believe me, we have taken a ton of shit
for it for almost 10 years now. If that means posting some info
for them on this page, then so be it. They are kind enough to
tell their students about Relson's tournaments so that their
students can participate in them, of which I receive absolutely
no financial compensation. It is basically friends helping
friends out and I don't see anything wrong with that.
Everyone who REALLY knows us, know that we strive to be as objective
as possible and treat everyone fairly. Sure there are disagreements
about our comments or some of the calls we make as referees at
tournaments or events, but hey, tell me one person that referees
a high number of matches that does not make a mistake now and
then. We are human. For the other BJJ instructors out there that
disagree with this comment, I say "go to hell." Actually,
the "PC" thing to say is "you can go on thinking
whatever you want to because I don't see your asses out there
subjecting yourself to the scrutiny of others." Okay, that
wasn't very politically correct either. We are the ONLY ones
who VOLUNTEER our help at each and every tournament that takes
place. I say volunteer because, we receive no payment, no food
or drinks (except at our tournaments), and sometimes not even
a "thank you." If we are so biased, why ask for or
accept our help? Most times, our sheer presence at a local tournament
automatically assumes that we are going to help out.
Joao has been one of the nicest guys and one of the biggest jerks
to us and I am positive that he is honest enough to say the same
thing about us and that is okay. We all have our moments. But
he recently came to the conclusion and mentioned to me that all
of the BJJ schools in Hawaii should get together, sit down and
standardize BJJ rules, make a tournament schedule (so that we
space out each school's tournaments) and gather together a group
of referees and tournament helpers made up from representatives
from all the schools that will be paid and can work at every
tournament that ANY school puts on in the state.
We think that is a great idea, in fact, we thought it was a great
idea years ago when we first suggested it. Whoever takes credit
for this is of no consequence, as long as it gets done. This
has been a long time in the making and I hope that it comes to
fruition. We will help in anyway that we can in order to get
this done. Contact us anytime at info@onzuka.com.
I am now stepping off of my soap box. Elvis has left the building.
Gracie Intl BJJ Tournament Today
Kaiser High School Gym
Saturday, October 13, 2001
Starts: 9:00AM sharp!
Rules Clinic: 8:30AM
Cost: $45, $5 extra if entering the Open (Absolute) Division
$5 Spectator fee
Good luck to all the competitors!
Bob Schrimer's
team is in town for the tournament!
Bob Schrimer of the All American Academy in
Chicago, Illinois brought a team to compete in this year's tournament.
We welcome his whole team to Hawaii and to our tournament. For
those of you that are not familiar with Master Bob by name, he
is a 6th degree black belt in Combat-Do, a eclectic style that
he created combining Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, Kickboxing, Pankration,
etc. You may know some of his students, Mr. International, Shonie Carter, Brian and Wes Gassaway,
Jim Theobald, amongst
others. I told one of his students about Joao's tournament next
weekend and he seemed stoked. He said "that's great, maybe
we can do that tournament too while we are down here." And
these guys are supposed to be on vacation. Sheesh.
If I am not totally spent, I will try and post the team results
either at the end of today or tomorrow.
Do Not Lie
The Pancrase web
site has the complete Marcelo Tigre-Yoshiki Takahashi fight,
where Tigre apparently eye gouges Takahashi. I have watched it
and Tigre was dominating the fight. The eye gouges came from
Tigre, while inside Takahashi's guard, trying the reverse Mata
Leao neck break. This hand that should have come over Takahashi's
forehead to apply pressure, allowed some fingers to slip in Takahashi's
Here are 3 different camera angles:
It did not seem as blantant as it was told, in my opinion,
but Tigre surely could have been a little more careful about
his finger placement. Check it out:
By the way, you need
RealPlayer to view it.
Source: Pictures courtesy of Pancrase |
World Fighting Alliance
LAS VEGAS (October
12, 2001) Fans will have the opportunity to purchase tickets
to the most explosive event in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) at the
Hard Rock Hotel and Casinos The Joint this coming Saturday,
November 3rd. The WFA will showcase 16 world-class professional
fighters competing in eight extreme full contact fighting bouts.
WFA promises to be not just any event, but the ultimate in MMA
and sports entertainment today. The event will begin promptly
at 8:00PM (PT) with doors opening at 7:00PM (PT).
Tickets, priced
at $1000, $200, $100, $75, $50 and $35 , can be purchased at
TicketMaster.com, all TicketMaster outlets, by calling (702)
474-4000, at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino box office, or
by calling (800) HRD-ROCK.
A complete official
line-up will be released very soon.
Romero, WFA (917) 842-9086 or promero1@nyc.rr.com. |
to fight Jackson or Otsuka
Fightworld reported that Quentin Jackson of King of the Cage
fame, who recently did surprisingly well against Kazushi Sakuraba
is going to fight Alexandre Otsuka, the Japanese Pro-Wrestler.
Otsuka fought Vovchanchyn (Vov couldn't knock him out, Ken Shamrock
did though) and a number of other fighters. The winner of this
fight is rumored to be Jose Mario Sperry's opponent in Pride.
Sperry makes his return to NHB after being extremely successful
at Abu Dhabi. The last time Sperry fought, I believe, is in the
Australian UFC, where he beat Vernon "Tiger" White
in the finals. |
of the Day
enough, I got this quote before the Sept. 11th, Terrorist attacks.
This is for you local locals out there.
A'ohe hana nui ka alu'ia.
Translation: No task is too big when done together.
Explanation: United we stand, divided we fall. |
Gracie Intl BJJ Tournament
This Saturday
Kaiser High School Gym
Saturday, October 13, 2001
Starts: 9:00AM sharp!
Rules Clinic: 8:30AM
Cost: $45, $5 extra if entering the Open (Absolute) Division
$5 Spectator fee
Important Note:
Please come in to review the brackets at 8:00AM
and point out any corrections that need to be made. This will
allow us to make the changes and not delay the start of the tournament.
Something that has never happened before will take place this
Saturday, we will start before 11AM. Please be there early as
we will go through the rules clinic at 8:30AM and shoot to start
the tournament at 9AM. We have to be out of the gym by 5PM, so
we need to get everything done as quick as possible.
Please spread the word
to everyone that we will start a lot earlier than usual and WE
Call the Relson Gracie Academy @ 589-2524 for registration sheets
and additional information and recent changes that are NOT reflected
on the info sheets.
SuperBrawl Web Site
For Immediate Release: October 11, 2001
Extreme Sports
Productions to Launch Website
Extreme Sports
Productions, producers of the tremendously successful Super Brawl
series of events in Hawaii and around the world will be launching
a new website. The address is www.superbrawl.tv . It will feature interactive
media about past, future and present events. Features will include,
fighter profiles, video clips, event results and an interactive
discussion board. www.superbrawl.tv is now up and running but still
under construction. Extreme Sports Productions plans
an official launch sometime later this month. Please check out
the site and feel free to comment in one of the discussion boards.
Much Aloha
T.Jay Thompson
Contact: T.Jay
Thompson SuperBrawl@hawaii.rr.com (808) 524-6062 |
to fight Ryan Diaz
Another match added to November 2, Super Brawl card in Honolulu,
Ryan Diaz (145lbs, Gibson Pankration/AMC, Seattle, 8-3)
Eddie Yagin (145lbs, Grappling Unlimited, 3-0)
This could be
a beauty! Diaz is a tremendously skilled submission fighter with
wins all over the world. He is equally versed standing and on
the ground. Yagin may not have the experience, or even the skill
of Diaz
but he is ultra-aggressive and has one of the biggest
hearts in the game. Win or lose, look for Yagin to push the fight
from start to finish and Diaz to counter. Diaz 2-1 favorite
Source: T. Jay Thompson |
& Patty are having a baby!
Well, everyone it finally happened. Since I probably know over
90% of the people that read this page, I thought that I would
be a little selfish and share the news that I just heard today
and let every one of my surrogate Jiu-Jitsu family know. Patty
just received the test results today and came to my work to let
me know.
I know that this news will scare a lot of people out there, who
probably hoped that I would not reproduce. MUHAHAHAHAHA! |
of the Day
"If anything goes bad, I did it. If anything goes semi-good,
we did it. If anything goes really good, then you did it. Thats
all it takes to get people to win football games for you."
Paul "Bear" Bryant
of getting married again, I'm going to find a woman I don't like
and just give her a house."
Lewis Grizzard |
to challenge Newton for the Title
Three-time UFC veteran Matt Hughes has signed to face UFC Welterweight
Champion Carlos Newton at UFC 34: High Voltage.
Hughes, a Pat
Miletich protégé, has a record of 2-1 in the Octagon
and 24-3
overall in MMA. He is a top-five ranked welterweight, and has
won seven
straight fights.
After nearly
a year's absence, Hughes returns to the Octagon to avenge
Miletich's loss to Newton at UFC 31. "It puts a little anger
in my heart.
A little driving force," said Hughes.
Josh Hedges
jhedges@ufc.tv |
versus Renken in Super Brawl
Another match added to November 2, Super Brawl card in Honolulu,
John The Saint Renken (Nashville, TN 10-6, 185lbs)
Niko Vitale (Grappling Unlimited 8-1, 185lbs)
The veteran
Renken has fought all over the world and faced top name competition.
Vitale was strong as a 200lb fighter. At this lighter weight
he could be a monster! He has spent more time in the gym to make
this new weight. Many predict big things for the newly invigorated
Vitale. Will this just be a tune-up for Vitale? John
Renken hopes not. Vitale 3-1 Favorite
Source: T. Jay Thompson |
News for Chicago & Eric Moon
Carlson Gracie Junior, who has
been living in Ohio for about a year, is coming back to Chicago
in January. Carlson Jr. used to live in Chicago and had an academy
there for a while until he moved to Ohio. The instructor that
was running that school was Rey "King" Diogo, who is
now in California.
His father and BJJ legend, Carlson
Gracie Senior is also going to make Chicago his permanent home.
He is planning to move to Chicago in April. Recently Carlson
Sr. started a NHB event named "Heroes" in Brazil, which
was very well received. Now that Carlson Sr. will be in Chicago,
it is rumored that he will put on the next Heroes event in Chicago
in May 2002. Alright, now how does this relate to Moon, other
than he is also in Chicago? Well, it was mentioned that they
may enlist Dr. Moon's talents to co-promote the event. Moon has
put on a very good, quality event and is well received by all
the major fight schools in the surrounding area. This could be
a HUGE opportunity for fighters in the surrounding area to gain
international recognition by competing in Moon's Ironheart Crown
event or in Carlson Sr.'s Heroes event and test themselves against
some of the best Brazilian fighters out there.
of the Day
will double up on the quotes because we got a lot more where
they came from.
"The problem with the designated driver program is, it's
not a desirable job. But if you ever get sucked into doing it,
have fun with it. At the end of the night, drop them off at the
wrong house."
Jeff Foxworthy
a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving
an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without
even considering if there is a man on base."
Dave Barry |
Receives Intl Recognition... Sort of
PANCRASE Lays Down The Law!
Expelled After Another DQ
Some fighters
just don't get it.
When Marcelo
Tigre was signed to fight in Pancrase, he entered that organization
with a dubious record in mixed martial arts. While he had scored
victories over veteran Joe Charles in Rage in the Cage 2 in October
1999, and over Katsuhisa Fujii in the Deep 2001 show this past
January, it is his two losses in Super Brawl that stand out.
Just about every
fighter wins and loses at times, but Tigre's were both by disqualification
He was DQ'd in Super Brawl 12 in June 1999 after repeatedly fouling
Egan Inoue, and also DQ'd in Super Brawl 21 in July 2001 when
he headbutted "Cabbage."
Still, Pancrase
decided to take a chance on him, especially since he was known
in Japan for his victory in Deep 2001. He was signed to enter
a heavyweight tournament, the first two rounds of which were
held as part of the Pancrase 2001 Proof Tour show of Sept. 30
at the Yokohama Culture Gymnasium.
Tigre's first
fight was against UFC veteran Tim Lajcik. Marcelo won by a knockout
in 1:34 of the first round. There was an allegation of a low
blow by Tigre in this fight, but it was not called.
Next up for
Tigre was Pancrase veteran Yoshiki Takahashi, who also has fought
in UFC, who advanced with a victory over Hiroya Takada by a front
choke in 22 seconds of the second round. It was here the troubles
really began.
Early in the
fight Tigre was warned by the referee about a low blow against
Takahashi. The fight continued, and next Tigre eye-gouged Takahashi.
This was all the Pancrase officials would take, and Tigre was
disqualified again, this time at just 3:20 of the first round.
Takahashi advanced to the finals against, ironically, the same
Katsuhisa Fujii who was defeated by Tigre at Deep 2001. That
fight is scheduled to take place on December 1.
But Pancrase
wasn't done yet. Pancrase held a press conference on Friday,
October 5, at BS Asahi to announce their findings after investigating
this situation. Speaking were Mr. Masami Ozaki, president of
Pancrase, and Mr. Soichi Hiroto, head referee and also their
It was disclosed
that Takahashi's left eyeball is still red from internal bleeding
from the eye gouge. He will be undergoing further eye tests.
Fight footage was shown to various sports and fight journalists
to demonstrate that the eye gouge was flagrant. The video showed
the eye gouge from three different angles. The video also showed
that Tigre tried eye gouges on three separate occasions, although
he had claimed that all this was accidental. Pancrase was told
by Tigre's manager that they would file a written complaint,
but none has been received as of yet.
Pancrase was
left with only one conclusion. Mr. Ozaki announced that not only
would they never invite Tigre back again, but that he also was
being expelled from Pancrase to protect the fighters' safety.
Also, Mr. Ozaki and Mr. Hiroto said that they would never forgive
any flagrant fouls in Pancrase matches.
We are still
waiting for an update on Takahashi's condition, and hope that
this terrible injury heals and that he is able to compete on
December 1, or as soon as possible.
By: Eddie Goldman, ADCC NEWS |
In Paradise Seek Peek
By Chris Onzuka
I dont know about you, but I love to hear what matches
promoters are planning, even if a lot of them do not pan out
by fight night. Brennan Kamaka just released this tentative card
and it already has some interesting matches. Eugene Jackson will
come off of his recent loss to Ricardo Cacharrao
Almeida in UFC 33 to face Hawaiis own, Niko Vitale. Dont
count Vitale out, remember Vitale came in as an underdog and
handily dispatched Todd Medina. Tim Lajcik, Jacksons training
partner will accompany him to fight a, as of yet, unnamed opponent.
You can bet Lajcik will have something to prove after getting
KOd by Marcelo Tigre recently in a Pancrase tournament.
Another great match pits Pete Spratt, who fought a war with Ron
Jhun at the last Warriors Quest, against the new and improved
Thomas Wild Man Denny. Sparks should fly as both
guys like to bang and both are well versed at getting off the
mat and back up to their feet. And of course the Warriors Quest
champions, Cooper and Jhun will be back to defend their titles
along with some great local talent on the under card. I will
let you know as more news on this event becomes available.
Blaisdell Arena, Honolulu, Hawaii
Saturday, December 1, 2001
Featured Matches:
170lbs. Ray Cooper Vs. Brad Gumm (2X UFC Veteran)
185lbs. Falaniko Vitale Vs. Eugene Jackson
185lbs. Ronald Jhun Vs .TBA
175lbs. Pete Spratt Vs. Thomas Denny
220lbs. Tim Lajcik Vs. TBA
150lbs. David Yueng Vs. Bao Quach
180lbs. Bobo Ostovich Vs. Jimmy Valenzula
205lbs. Chris West Vs. Buck Greer
140lbs. Dain Agbayani Vs. Ray Duke
170lbs. Louis Vs. Joao Peirini
205lbs. Paul Savea Vs. Kenneth Williams |
Martial Arts Showdown Results
Ask and ye shall receive. Here
are the results from The Martial Arts Showdown, a Sport Jiu-Jitsu
tournament held this past Saturday. Thanks to Mr. Lam for the
Thanks for posting the tournament. Here are the results of the
sport jiu
jitsu divisions. We weren't able to gather the younger kids results
there were some great matches.
Danny Lam
& Girls Divison
Boys/Girls 10-11yrs(over
1st Kai Jowers (Kempo Unlimited)
2nd Justin Tacub (Kempo Unlimited)
Boys/Girls 12-13
yrs (under 100lb)
1st Ren Kuwahara (Kempo Unlimited)
2nd Shandon Augustus (Relson Gracie Jiu Jitsu)
Boys 12-13 yrs
(over 100lbs)
1st Jonathan Dimaya (Tiffany's Martial Arts Studio)
2nd Kyle Olivares (Relson Gracie Jiu Jitsu)
3rd Preston Louis (Yin Kui Tsin Hao Kempo)
Novice Division
18+ Light to Middle
Weight (162lb to 182lb)
1st Bill Kaneakalau (Kempo Unlimited)
2nd Michael Mateo (Kempo Unlimited)
3rd Omar Saidy (Kempo Unlimited)
Intermediate Division
18+ Light Middle Weight
(162lb and under)
1st Kyle Nakamura (Kempo Unlimited)
2nd Jason Louie (Chinese Lion Dance Association)
18+ Heavyweight
1st Kunta Kinte Edmund (Kempo Unlimited)
2nd Alika Clark (Giraldi's Muay Thai)
Masters 40+
Heavyweight (173.8+lb)
1st Daniel Shioi (Kempo Unlimited)
Belt Division
18+ Lightweight (162lb
and under)
1st Dustin Higa (Suzui's Shootfighting)
2nd Troy Tamashiro (Kempo Unlimited)
18+ Middle Weight
(173.8lb and under)
1st Raymond Pintor (Chinese Lion Dance Association)
2nd Harlan Higa (Suzui's Shootfighting)
3rd Henry Lau (Suzui's Shootfighting)
Johnny Knoxville versus Din "The Dominator" Thomas?
You read right,
I don't know if this is a promotional stunt or not, but Jaime
Levine is going to have Knoxville face off against Din Thomas. It
can't be too much of a "match" because Thomas is fighting
someone on that card on the same night. If you are a follower
of the educational program called Jackass, you may remember that
one of the guys got KO'd when they went to a MMA fight gym and
stepped into the cage against a guy to "try it out."
Another Jackass member got punched in the stomach. Pretty cool.
Uh huh huh, huh huh. That was cool.
Anyway, for
those who are interested it will be at the following event listed
Reality Super Fighting
5: New Blood Conflict
Bell Auditorium, Augusta, GA
October 27, 2001
Another interesting
tidbit is that Bobby
Razak, producer of
Rites of Passage, the MMA documentary that featured Enson and
Egan Inoue, will be there documenting the event for the sequel
to Rites of Passage that he is presently working on. It was a
very good documentary, a must for hardcore MMA fans. It was even
featured at the Sundance Film Festival. Mike did an interview
with Razak for FCF when the movie came out. If you missed it
at Pipeline Cafe, when it debuted, I am not sure where you can
see it. |
of the Day
do people mean when they say the computer went down on them?"
Marilyn Pittman |
Quest Is Back!
As it brings
Hawaii phenom,
Ray "Bradda" Cooper is back to defend his title.
Stephen "Bozo" Paling will be facing King of the Cage
Champion, Charlie
Valencia. And back in action, Hawaii's Bad Boy, Falaniko Vitale.
Vitale will be facing an UFC Veteran, whose name will be released
shortly. Vitale is dropping to the 185lbs divsion to explore
and try to again dominate
another weight class.
Along with all these GREAT MAIN EVENTS, Hawaii's top newcomers
from HMC, HAMMA, SWAT Fight Team and the Jesus Is Lord Gym test
their skills against fighters from California's TOP FIGHT GYMS
like Chris Brennan's Next Generation, Submission Factory, Tedd
Williams' Gladiators Academy and Eddy Millis' Sharktank.
So mark your calendar for December 1, 2001.
Source: Warriors Quest Promoter |
Martial Arts Showdown
Sport Jiu-Jitsu Tournament Held This Past Saturday
Kempo Unlimited hosted this
tournament which brings back the exciting sport of Sport Jiu-Jitsu.
Sport Jiu-Jitsu combines stand up sparring with ground grappling
with rules to make the action non-stop. Kempo Unlimited has produced
some great Sport JJ competitors and look to revitalize the sport
in Hawaii.
We have not received any results as of yet, but it has been rumored
that Relson Gracie Aiea student, Kyle Olivares took 2nd place
and Shandon & Shane Augustus also placed.
We will post the results if we get them. Hint, hint.
I would like to apologize for
an inaccuracy in one of the releases I sent to you. It was stated
that Ironheart Crown competitor Jay Buck was "ranked #10
contender in Japan's Shooto organization." This is an error
resulting from a misunderstanding. Jay Buck recently fought in
Japan AGAINST the #10 Shooto contender.
Please forgive me for propagating
this misinformation.
Eric Moon
Note: I have corrected
his press release that was posted below.
of the Day
are hard. It's like a full time job, and we should treat it like
one. If your boyfriend or girlfriend wants to leave you, they
should give you two weeks' notice. There should be severance
pay, and before they leave you, they should have to find you
a temp."
Bob Ettinger |
Fights Announced for Super Brawl 22
SuperBrawl XXII:
United We Stand
Blaisdell Arena
Honolulu, Hawaii
November 3, 2001 |
Jose Lopez 140lbs (Shark
Tank, 2-0-1)
Lincoln Tyler 140lbs (Freelance 5-1)
Lopez fought to a draw with Gary "Boy" Freitas earlier
this year. He displayed tremendous striking skills against the
much larger Freitas. Tyler is known for his submissions from
the bottom, but claims he has been working on his take-down and
top game as of late. If he cannot take down Lopez, he may find
himself staring at the ceiling, although if he gets it to the
ground it will be a short night for Lopez. Lopez 3-2 favorite
Miles Pynanis 285lbs (Team Tiger, 0-0)
Wes "Cabbage" Coreirra 275lbs (Grappling Unlimited,
7-3 )
These big boys will bang! "Cabbage", fresh of his win
over Marcelo Tiger is looking to further his career with another
"W". Pynanis is known around town as a "heavy
hitter". He will have to hit very heavy to take out "Cabbage".
Look for Pynanis throwing. "Cabbage" will weather the
storm and start throwing bombs of his own. "Cabbage"
2-1 Favorite.
Joe Doerksen 185lbs (Team Extreme, 19-2)
Egan Inoue 185lbs (Grappling Unlimited, 11-3)
Doerksen is ranked #10 in the world by the MMA Writers Association
and has finished all 19 of his victims by submission. Inoue has
dispatched all fighters he has faced in this weight class, but
none with the talents of Doerksen. Both fighters have voiced
interest in fighting in the UFC middleweight class. The winner
likely will get the call
the loser will have to watch on
Pay-Per-View. Doerksen 3-2 Favorite
Source: T. Jay Thompson |
Maxwell back in Hawaii
Fredson Alves in Philadelphia
Maxercise chief instructor,
brown belt, Mundial & Pan Am champ (I will stop there), Steve
Maxwell has made another pilgrimage to Hawaii. He arrived the
other day and we wanted to officially welcome him back. Steve
has an incredible academy in Philadelphia and tons of great techniques
to share. The best part is that he is more than willing to share
them. We enjoy his visits and the great moves that he shares
with us. His academy is the largest Relson Gracie affiliate in
the country and has racked up a ton of titles. Steve will be
here for about a week, so if you have not gotten a chance to
meet Steve this is your chance. Hopefully, Relson will con him
into teaching a few classes while he's here.
The obvious question is, if Steve Maxwell is here, who is at
his academy? Well, not only has Steve won numerous titles as
a competitor, but he is also a great teacher and has brought
up a great team of assistant instructors that help him at his
academy. However, his assistant instructors and students are
in for a treat because Royler Gracie black belt, Fredson Alves
is up at Maxercise teaching. We are still in awe of Fredson's
technical knowledge and ability to "squeeze" ALL of
our resident big & bad boys.
Fredson will be up in Philadelphia and then will fly down to
Columbus, Ohio for the Relson
Gracie Nationals on October 20th. After that, Fredson will
help out at the Columbus affiliate.
Brasileiro is on!
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
National Championships
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
This tournament is so large that they had to split the divisions
over 3 weekends. Below is the schedule.
October 6th and 7th
Children and women (adult, master and senior 1,2,3,4 and 5 -
all belts).
October 27th
and 28th
Teens (juvenile), adult, master and senior 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (blue
November 2nd,
3rd and 4th
Adult, master and senior 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (purple, brown and
black belts).
Source: Gracie
Magazine |
of the Day
Mom said she learned how to swim when someone took her out in
the lake and threw her off the boat. I said, 'Mom, they weren't
trying to teach you how to swim."
Paula Poundstone |
to fight in Lewis' New Event
Fighting Alliance
Hardrock Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada
November 3rd, 2001
Jesus Is Lord's Stephen
"Bozo" Paling has been named by John Lewis to be on
the card for Lewis' new event called the World Fighting Alliance
(WFA). Lewis teamed up with a nightclub promoter to put on what
he calls, "The fightclub meets the nightclub." It sounds
like a great event and, as previously mentioned, will feature
Nova Uniao's Vitor "Shaolin" Ribeiro in his NHB debut. |
Crown Preview

On Saturday,
November 10, at the Hammond Civic Center Arena, returning IHC
lightweight champion, Henry Matamoros will take on last year's
Master of Submission award winner, Rolando Higuerros, in what
promises to be the most intense fight of the evening! Why are
people talking so much about this fight?
Everybody knows
who Henry Matamoros is. He's been fighting for years, first making
his name as a Champion in the Hook-n-Shoot. He has a wealth of
experience, fighting in events such as the WEF, the IVC, the
Extreme Challenge, and many others. He has faced formidable opponents,
including big names such as Karl Shmidt, Rafiel Cordeiro, Mario
Roberto, Jeff Curran, Nick Starks, and John Renken. He is a 3-time
Costa Rican freestyle wrestling champion and a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Champion. In addition to all of this, he has great striking skills
and a jaw of steel. These are the things that have made him the
current IHC lightweight champion.
His opponent,
Rolando Higuerros isn't all that well-known outside of the immediate
Chicago area, but Matamoros had better not take him lightly!
His father, a former national boxing champion from Ecuador, began
training Rolando as a boxer while he was still in diapers, and
he's been growing as a fighter ever since! He has great hands,
crafty footwork, and slick head movement that is not often seen
in the MMA world. He was also a very successful wrestler throughout
highschool, and to top off his resume, Higuerros has nearly fifteen
years of training in the martial arts. He has done kickboxing
and submission at the All-American Academy for a number of years,
and two years ago he won his division at the U.S. Olympic Pankration
trials with a victory over Jeff Curran, a renowned Midwestern
fighter who also happens to be a good friend and training-mate
of Henry Matamoros!
Matamoros and
Higuerros are both equally skilled on their feet and on the ground,
but their fighting styles are very different. Matamoros may have
a slight advantage with his ring-experience, but this is definitely
the fight to watch. Chicago fight fans will make the drive for
this fight alone!
The Ironheart
Crown will be held on November 10 in Hammond, Indiana. The card
will also feature fourteen other exciting matches. Tickets are
on sale now, and a limited number of ringside seats are available.
For more information, visit the event website at http://www.ironheartcrown.com/,
or call 773-793-6555 in the Chicago area or 219-844-8504 in Northwest
Source: Event Promoter |
of the Day
study in the Washington Post says that women have better verbal
skills than men. I just want to say to the authors of that study:
Conan O'Brien |
Hair Day?
think Mike may have started something. Again thanks to Tim for

34 Preview
Grand, Las Vegas, NV
November 2, 2001
Some of these are
rumored matches and some confirmed. Either way, this looks like
another incredible card from ZUFFA. BJ Penn makes his return
to the UFC against the former Shooto Champ, Caol Uno, who beat
Rumina Sato twice. That should be an incredible match. BJJ Black
Belt Roberto Traven returns to the cage. Another dream match
will be Mach Sakurai versus Matt Hughes. Sakurai took out rAw
Team member, Frank Trigg, whose style is similiar to Hughes.
We will see if Sakurai can use the same strategy against Hughes.
Randy Couture Vs Pedro Rizzo
Carlos Newton Vs Anderson Silva
Ricco Rodriguez Vs Pete Williams
Josh Barnett Vs TBA
Roberto Traven Vs Aleksei Medvedev
BJ Penn Vs Caol Uno
Matt Lindland Vs Phil Baroni
Hayato "Mach" Sakurai Vs Matt Hughes
Light Heavyweight
Evan Tanner Vs TBA |
of the Day
I think war is God's way of teaching us geography."
Paul Rodriguez |
17 Match Ups Announced
Dome, Tokyo Japan
November 3, 2001
This looks to be
an incredible card, as it has to be in order to fill the huge
Toyko Dome. A previous card was leaked out, but later said to
be false because a lot of the fights were not signed. The Takada
fight looks like a joke, but Takada draws a large audience and
Cro Cop just beat Kazuyuki Fujita, the man who made Ken Shamrock
tell his corner to throw in the towel. I really don't care about
that match, but can't wait to see the Vanderlei-Sakuraba fight
or see Minotauro, who just triangle Mark Coleman, fight again.
The Shamrock versus Henderson would be another incredible match
up too, if it happens.
TITLE: Vanderlei Silva v. Kazushi Sakuraba
TITLE: Rodrigo "Minotauro" Nogeuira v. TBD
Nobuhiko Takada v. Marko Cro Cop
Mario Sperry
v. TBD
Frank Shamrock
v. Dan Henderson |
Compelling Argument For Pacifists
Called: Fair Play
Thanks to
Tim for this one.
1. Approach
an ignorant, misled, student, who's talking about peace and saying
there should be no retaliation.
2. Engage him/her in brief conversation and ask if military force
is appropriate.
3. When he/she shudders and says no, ask him/her why not.
4. Wait until he/she says something to the effect of: "Because
that would just cause more violence."
5. When he/she
is in mid-sentence, punch him/her in the face as hard as you
6. When he/she
gets back up to punch you, point out that it would be a terrible
mistake and contrary to his/her own values to strike you, because
that "would be awful and he/she should not cause more violence."
7. Wait until
he/she agrees that he/she has pledged and sworn not to commit
additional violence.
8) Punch him in the face again, harder this time.
Repeat steps
5 through 8 until they understand that SOMETIMES it is
NECESSARY to punch back. |
Model for Mike's Bald Head
By now you should
all know about Mike's (and my) anal retentiveness with our spreadsheets
and doing research for everything. Well, after looking through
Mike's files (he's on his honeymoon), I found the following research
model. I guess he used this to simulate shaving his head versus
not shaving his head. Check it out.
Before |
After |
From the looks
of it, it appears that he was also planning on shaving his head
after he got married due to the frown. heh heh. You got to love
someone who takes cheap shots when the jokee is out of the country!
PS. Thanks for Tim for the inspiration and pictures.
about Cheech Marin
Alright, I will be the first
to shoot off the Cheech (of the infamous Cheech and Chong fame)
jokes about Mike especially now because his bolo head eccentuates
his Cheech-like mustache. His apelido or Brazilian nickname is
actually, Bigote (pronounced BEE-GO-GEE, I hope that I got the
spelling right), which means mustache in Portuguese.
My apelido on the other hand translated means, "well hung
lady killer." I can't recreate how it is pronounced properly
with any sort of justice because for it to come out right it
must be from a beautiful screaming Brazilian woman. Sorry guys. |
of the Day
quote is in honor of our good friend Dr. Eric Moon, who resides
in Chicago and did not send us the following promo for his event
that we helped to make famous. This includes me flying up to
Chicago on a 9+ hour flight to spend 24 hours just to be there
for his first event. BTW, did I mention that he left me at the
airport for over 2 hours because he over slept. Oh, I have a
lot more where that came from...but I will save that for later.
"I think that's how Chicago got started. A bunch of people
in New York said, 'Gee, I'm enjoying the crime and the poverty,
but it just isn't cold enough. Let's go west.'"
Richard Jeni |
Crown returns with Exodus
Crown III:
November 10, 2001
Hammond Civic Center Arena
5825 Sohl Avenue
Hammond, Indiana |
Local boy,
Dr. Eric Moon (he pays us everytime we use Dr.
when referring to him) has put together his third event. This
is the first time the event will be held outside of Chicago.
Even though I am biased, he does run a great show and from what
people in that area tell me, his show are much better than the
other shows in that area of the country. Both in quality of fights
and in the production that he puts into it. Unfortunately, we
won't be able to make this year's show because Eric was too selfish
to uproot the entire event and reschedule it around my personal
schedule. Can you believe that guy? We definitely have to get
back to Chicago and see Moon and the cool Chicagoians that we
met like Vaugh and Dino.
The Ironheart Crown Returns! Unhindered by the Boxing Commission's
decision to crack down on Mixed Martial Arts events in the state
of Illinois, Chicago's premiere Full-Contact Submission fighting
event packs its bags and moves 30 minutes across the border to
friendlier soil in Hammond, Indiana! This is exciting news for
fight fans in Northwest Indiana, which has never before hosted
an event of this calibre!
This year's
fight card features fifteen exciting fights which will include
no less than four title bouts.
In the main
event, returning IHC openweight champion, Vaughan "the Man,
the Myth, the Legend" Palelei from Caique Jiu-Jitsu defends
his title against the Ukranian Powerhouse, "Mighty"
Milan Dimkovic, training under Shonie Carter!
Champion, Jim Theobald, training out of Champion Jiu-Jitsu and
the All-American Academy faces a hungry new challenger in Steve
Lauretto, from Keith Hackney's Reality Combat!
With Adrian
Serrano unable to make the weight in defense of his title, two
powerful headhunters step up to fill the void in a Middleweight
title bout! Jay Buck of Hackney's Hellhouse Team, who recently
fought against the Japan's #10 ranked Shooto fighter, faces Dan
Severn's protege, Brett Al-Azzawi, of the Dark Alley Fight Team
in an exciting match which promises to feature more bombs than
the Gulf War!
And in the Lightweight
division, perhaps the most anticipated fight of the night, Lightweight
Champion Henry Matamoros of the Pedro Sauer Team and the Duke
Roufus Gym takes on last year's "Master of Submission,"
Rolando Higuerros, training out of the Chicago Fitness Center
and the All-American Academy. This is a match you DON'T want
to miss!
The exciting
undercard will feature 3 four-man tournaments. In the Lightweight
Division (140 - 160 lbs.), Miguel Torres, Justin Hines, Nick
Mitchell, and Masae Fatoke will battle for Braulio Corral's MMAI
Lightweight Title.
In the heavily
stacked Middleweight Division (161 - 180 lbs), Joe Paun and James
O'Connor face off in a heated rematch on one side of the bracket,
while Herman Reyes and Jake Ambrose fight to determine who will
take on the winner!
And in the Heavyweight
division (181 - 205 lbs) Stephan Bonna, Jay Massey, Chris Albandia,
and Ivan Bambic mix it up to determine who's the best man!
Several non-title
exhibition bouts are also scheduled. In addition this, Blind
Man's Bluff performs a chilling A Capella rendition of the U.S.
National Anthem in honor of the victims of the World Trade Center
attack, and MuscleMag International fitness model, Julie Ann
graces the ring, along with our other beautiful Iron Maidens,
as our newest Card-Girl!
Tickets are
on sale now! A limited number of ringside seats are available.
For more information, visit the event website at www.ironheartcrown.com, or call 219-844-8504 in NW Indiana
or 773-793-6555 in the Chicago area.
From the event promoter |
Honor of My Marriage
I decided it
was time for a change so I finally did it and shaved my head
bald. This just cut off 10-15 minutes of my prep time in the
morning. So far so good, no razor burns, but I just need to tan
it. I'm going to do that on our cruise. Sorry to the guys on
our team that I cannot be there for the October 13 International
tournament. Train hard and bring home the title once again. I
hope I burned some lungs and legs (and rest of the body) with
the warm up and drills we did last night.
We leave tonight
on our honeymoon which I am looking forward to (actually, I'm
looking forward to not working for a while). In case you all
were wondering what I look like with a bald head, here you go,
knock yourself out.
Remember, I still have to tan my head so easy on the white trash
jokes. I was thinking about shaving the eye brows and donating
it to a wig place, but they said that each brow has just too
much hair and they could easily make a full toupee with one eye
Jesus, look
at the size of that guy's neck! He should drink dark beer and
be called Gunter.
By the way,
the monkey picture in the background says, "If you leave
me, I'll kill you." Nice little poster in my friend's cubicle
he took out of a men's mag. |
Yoshida Back in Town
Hawaii's Shooto
Submission specialist, Baret Yoshida, has just moved back home
to Hawaii indefinitely. He said that it is just too expensive
to live in Japan. I'm sure the guys at Grappling is looking forward
to have Baret back here after conquering the submission grappling
thrown in Japan. He has won the Japan Contenders as well as placed
second in this past year's Abu Dhabi World Submission Wrestling
Championships. Hopefully, this will allow Hawaii fans to see
Baret fight at home once again.
He is also kicking
around the idea of doing seminars around the US. If you belong
to a club that may be interested, email me and I'll pass the word next time I see him.
Welcome back! |
of the Day
parents didn't want to move to Florida, but they turned sixty,
and that's the law."
* Jerry Seinfeld |
Brawl Main Event
For Immediate
October 1, 2001
Egan Inoue and
Joe Doerksen
to Test New
Super Brawl Weight Class
Friday night,
November 2, the Blaisdell Arena in Honolulu, Hawaii will rock
as hometown favorite Egan Inoue and #10 world ranked (MMA Writers
Assoc.). Joe Doerksen will battle for the inaugural Super Brawl
middleweight Championship belt.
T. Jay Thompson
said, We are excited about the new weight classes and even
more excited about this match-up! These are truly two of the
elite fighters in the world at this weight.
Inoue will be
testing the waters at a lighter weight. He has retained the Super
Brawl title at the old heavyweight class (over 200 lbs) since
beating Marcelo Tiger in a controversial match in 1999. I
look forward to fighting closer to my natural weight. I dont
think there are many people who can compete with me at 185lbs,
said Egan. When asked about how he thought the fight would go,
Inoue responded, I have been working hard on all aspects
of my game. If he wants to stand up, I will try to knock him
out. If the fight goes to the ground, I am confident I can submit
him there.
Doerksen, a
Winnipeg, Canada native with a 19-2 professional record and 12
straight wins guarantees an exciting fight. He has never seen
a decision. All 19 wins have come by way of submission. His only
losses were to Matt Hughes and Eugene Jackson, both international
stars. Joe is looking for a spot in one of the big shows
(UFC, PRIDE, etc.) and sees Inoue as his meal ticket. This
will be a tough fight, but I know a lot of people will be paying
attention to the outcome. I plan on leaving the islands with
a new piece of hardware around my waist and respect from promoters
worldwide, Joe Doerksen
Tickets will
go on sale Monday morning at the Blaisdell Center box office.
More match-ups to be announced in the coming weeks.
Contact: T.
Jay Thompson SuperBrawl@hawaii.rr.com (808) 524-6062
16 Pictures
class fight photographer has added some Pride 16 pictures to
his website:
http://come.to/susumu |
to fight NHB
Vitor "Shaolin"
Riberio, BJJ black belt and world champion will be making his
MMA debut in John Lewis' November 3rd inaugural MMA event, World
Fighting Alliance (WFA) in Las Vegas. He will be fighting Charlie
Kohler who was just victorious at King of the Cage by armbar
over Danny Brykett. Shaolin is one of my favorite BJJ guys to
watch in either gi or no gi. It will be interesting if he can
transfer his grappling talent to the world of MMA.
Hawaii's Stephen
"Bozo" Palling is slated to fight Alfonso Alcarez who
had a draw against UFC Lightweight Champ, Jens Pulver. |
of the Day
is in honor of the King of Rock & Roll. Long live the king.
He is still alive you know...
"If life was fair, Elvis would be alive and all the impersonators
would be dead."
Johnny Carson
for a quick shot
Yes, I have
survived what every married man I know have warned me about,
actually going through with the wedding. It wasn't as bad as
I thought, but of course I'm still a rookie. The only thing I
was worried about was the vows. I screwed up both set of vows
in rehearsal and didn't have a copy of the vows to practice.
Only one run and the next one was official and being videotaped.
I told my best man Dr. Eric Moon (I know he likes to be referred
to Dr. now) to make sure that he's ready if I bump him and say,
"Line, line." Luckily, after a lot of heavy praying,
I got through with it nice and fairly smoothly. After that I
could just relax and let the mass takes it's course. I did step
on Lisa's dress which caused a dirt stain (I hope it comes out,
heh heh). Oh yeah, I also did shove the cake in Lisa's face after
being very gentleman-like and let her feed me first (no cake
on my face, bad move Mrs. Onzuka). Kofi was the MC and did an
incredible job as usual. I forgot to add his 10-15 minutes worth
of stand up to every section of the reception schedule, but we
still ended ahead of schedule. I had a hard time keeping my groomsmen
sober, with the exception of Sam who doesn't drink, until their
part of the reception was complete. Luke downed a considerable
amount Crown Royal early in the night and we gave him a new nickname
(Puke Luke or Puke Skywalker), but he did pull off the story
of how Lisa and I met very impressively (and held in what I shared
with the urinal on my bachelor party night also very impressively).
Lastly for all you PW's out there, I did go train last night
at the academy and will teach class in Aiea tonight. I guess
the married life isn't so bad after all, at least yet.
I leave for
my honeymoon on Wednesday night. We will go to LA and spend a
couple days at Disneyland and then go on a one week Mexican cruise.
I stocked up on drugs to help fight my sea sickness. I come back
on Sunday night and we leave for Columbus, Ohio for the Relson
US Nationals on Tuesday night.
This will probably
be my last post for a while so as Chris said he will be making
the news updates. Shoot him email if he is not keeping all of you
satisfied, but remember, we are a Hawaii based martial arts news
page and some days, nothing really happens here. |
wins one and loses one in Pancrase
Marcelo Tigre
stepped up to the plate and fought in the Pancrase Heavyweight
tournament and was matched up against another big man in Tim
Lajcik. Lajcik is the training partner of Eugene Jackson and
is a collegiate wrestler and boxer. I personally thought that
Tigre was going to have a hard time with Lajcik and told him
so. He pulled off an incredible win.
You're never going to believe this but Tigre apparently lost
his next match by...no, don't say it...no anything but that...yup,
disqualification. Eye witness reports were that Takahashi was
actually trying to break Tigre's thumb with his eye, but the
referee didn't see it that way I guess. Sometimes the calls just
go against you I guess...
Pancrase - 2001
Anniversary Show
Yokohama Culture Gymnasium
September 30, 2001
Live gate: 5,150 sold out
Fight#2 (2x5
min rounds) ~ heavyweight tournament 1st round
MARCELO TIGER (U.S.A./Team Tiger Academy)
TIM LAJCIK (U.S.A./Gladiators Training Academy)
by punch KO at 1R 1:34.
Fight#7 (2x5 min rounds) ~ heavyweight tournament semifinal
MARCELO TIGER (U.S.A./Team Tiger Academy)
by eye gouge disqualification at 1R 3:20. |
Weight Classes in Super Brawl
For Immediate
Release: October
1, 2001
Super Brawl
to adopt Nevada
State Weight Classes
Extreme Sports
Productions, producers of the Super Brawl series of events, have
been pioneers in the sport of Mixed Martial Arts. Super Brawl
began in 1996 with three weight classes (under 165 lbs, 165-200
lbs and over 200 lbs) and limited rules. Since then they have
continually adapted to their surrounding environment. The event,
which gave NHB debuts to names such as Vitor Belfort, Frank Shamrock,
Ray Cooper, Ronald Jhun and many others, is making some changes
once again. Super Brawl will now have 5 separate weight classes
with new champions crowned in each division. Weight classes will
be 155 lbs and under, 155.1-170 lbs, 170.1-185 lbs, 185.1-205
lbs and over 205 lbs. T.Jay Thompson said We are excited
about the new weight classes. We think this is another small
step in developing unified standards for all MMA events world-wide
and we are happy to do our part.
Contact: T.
Jay Thompson SuperBrawl@hawaii.rr.com (808) 524-6062