We promise to redo this link page! Check out these pages that we think are worth looking into: Useful Links: Webmail: http://login.secureserver.net/?app=mmail Brazilian (or Gracie) Jiu-Jitsu International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation: http://www.ibjjf.com (Largest BJJ federation in the world, hosts the Mundial de Jiu-Jitsu, Pan Ams and the Brasileiro) Don Geddis http://www.bjj.org (The Definitive Site of BJJ, A Must See!) Global Training Report: http://www.geocities.com/global_training_report/index.htm (Reports on academies in Brazil and Japan, interview, and history of BJJ) Relson Gracie http://www.relsongracie.com (The official Relson Gracie site) On the Mat http://www.onthemat.com (BJJ page with videos and interviews, but make sure you have a fast connection) Roy Harris http://www.royharris.com (BJJ Philosophy) NHB Rumors Pages (In order of preference) Full Contact Fighter http://www.fcfighter.com/news.htm (the world's largest newspaper devoted to NHB) Abu Dhabi Combat Club Rumors http://news.adcombat.com (Updated daily, best rumors page) MMA Weekly http://www.mmaweekly.com (Very good news, breaking stories) Sherdog's Site http://www.onthemat.com (Cool site that has interviews and news) Tatame http://tatame.com/ingles/index.htm (Brazilian Magazine site that is updated daily, provides great insights from a Brazilian perspective) Maxfighting.com http://www.maxfighting.com (Great writers) BJJ/NHB/MMA Forums Mixedmartialarts.com "The Underground" http://www.mma.tv/TUF/ Abu Dhabi Forum http://www.adcombat.com/ADCC_Forum/index.html Gimono Manufacturers Atama Kimonos http://www.atama-kimonos.com Dragao Kimomos http://www.kimonosdragao.com.br Howard Combat Kimonos http://www.howardliu.com Kagi Kimonos http://www.jiujitsugi.com Kikskin Kimonos http://www.kikskin.com Ouano International "Raising the Standard, Lowering the Costs" http://www.ouano.com Storm Kimonos http://www.stormkimonos.com Padilla Kimonos http://www.aavion.com/ Miscellaneous Martial Arts related sites New Zealand MMA http://www.newzealandmma.com (Comprehensive site for martial arts in New Zealand) Please email us if there are any dead links or if you want to add a link to your site. |