Episode 63
Episode 62
Episode 61
Episode 60
Episode 59
Episode 58
Episode 57
Episode 56
Episode 55
Episode 54
Episode 53
Episode 52
Episode 51
Episode 50B
Episode 50
Episode 49
Episode 48
Episode 47
Episode 46
Episode 45
Episode 44
Episode 43
Episode 42
Episode 41
Episode 40
Episode 39
Episode 38
Episode 37
Episode 36
Episode 35
Episode 34
Episode 33
Episode 32
Episode 31
Episode 30
Episode 29
Episode 28
Episode 27
Episode 26
Episode 25
Episode 24
Episode 23
Episode 22
Episode 21
Episode 20
Episode 19
Episode 18
Episode 17
Episode 16
Episode 15
Episode 14
Episode 13
Episode 12
Episode 11
Episode 10
Episode 9
Episode 8
Episode 7
Episode 6
Episode 5
Episode 4
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1
- FCTV's
Guest Directory
- Abbott,
David "Tank" - Ep 36
Ah Sue, Adam - Ep 33
Aina, Mike - Ep 23
Alessandro - Ep 15, 24
Aoki, Shinya - Ep 39, 41, 43, 46
Arevalo, Gerald - Ep 34
Ayala, Juan - Ep 5
Baroni, Phil - Ep 12, 39, 58
Barros, Romolo - Ep 24
Bass, Adam - Ep 40
Borges, LJ - Ep 63
Brees, Kyle - Ep 22
Bress, Jason - Ep 7
Bruddick, Jason - Ep 5
Bryant, Keone - Ep 58
Brynes, Steve - Ep 30
Buck, Jay - Ep 14
Bulcholz, Justin - Ep 49
Bustamante, Murilo - Ep 38
Carter, Jay - Ep 39
Castillo, Gil - Ep 17
Cayetano, Ryan - Ep 40
Chambers, Jason - Ep 38
Chew, David - Ep 47
Choy Fu, Ikaika - Ep 40
Clay, Dillion - Ep 42
Cohea, Andy - Ep 63
Condit, Carlos - Ep 38
Cooper, Ray "Bradda"
- - Ep 6,
11, 19, 32
Corriera, Wes "Cabbage"
- Ep 4, 5, 22, 36, 38
Couture, Randy - Ep 35
Curran, Jeff - Ep 11, 12, 21
Daniels, Casey - Ep 31, 32
Daniels, Corey - Ep 22
De Jong, Martijn - Ep 7
Dean, PJ - Ep 22, 25
Debrah, Kofi - Ep 20
DeFranco, Santino - Ep 17
Demello, Rob - Ep 57, 58
Demeritt, Joe - Ep 32
Demotta, Royden - Ep 22
Dexter, Bill - Ep 41
Diaz, Nick - Ep 51
Diaz, Ryan - Ep 3
Doerksen, Joe - Ep 4, 14, 21
Dumaoal, Jumar - Ep 33
Ebanez, Ross - Ep 17, 43
Ellison, Justin - Ep 16
Esche, Eric "Butterbean" - Ep 38
Espitia, Tony - Ep 28
Estrada, Candido - Ep 30
Ewald, Bruno - Ep 47
Ferguson, Aaron - Ep 24
Finiseth, Sarah - Ep 3
Ferriera, Josh - Ep 39
Fields, Ron - Ep 47
Fowler, Mike - Ep 60
Franca, Hermes - Ep 32
Frye, Don - Ep 7, 8, 18
Fukuda, Riki - Ep 21
Fukuda, Ryan - Ep 32
Furuta, Andrew & Jeff
- Ep 10, 15
Gamlin, Stefan - Ep 42
George, Ben - Ep 22
George, Fred - Ep 5
George, John - Ep 48
Ghosen, Tiki - Ep 16
Gomi, Takanori - Ep 17
Gonsalves, Thiago - Ep 32
Goo, Eric - Ep 10
Goulet, Jonathan - Ep 14
Grace, Dustin - Ep 58
Gracie, Relson - Ep 2, 3, 22
Grenados, David - Ep 30
Kelly - Ep 58
Groves, Kendal - Ep 22, 33
Hacker, Luke - Ep 58
Hagerty, Wil - Ep 10
Hanaike, Makoa - Ep 34
Ha'o, Walter - Ep 30
Hathaway, Dejuan - Ep 63
Heiron, Jay - Ep 33
Hendricks, Johnny - Ep 59
Hironaka, Kuniyoshi - Ep 12
Holcombe, Justin - Ep 34
Hominick, Mike - Ep 12
Hose, Kala Kolohe - Ep 58
Huerta, Roger - Ep 23
Hume, Matt - Ep 50B
Hyatt, Kana - Ep 52
Iha, Fabiano - Ep 33
Inoue, Egan - Ep 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 16, 18, 33
Inoue, Enson - Ep 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 29, 48, 49
Ishida, Mitsuhiro - Ep 26
Ivan - Ep 16
Iwase, Shigetose - Ep 31
Izuka, Byron - Ep 57
Jackson, Eugene - Ep 26
James, Justin - Ep 23
Jenness, Kirik - Ep 47
Jhun, Ron - Ep 8, 10, 11, 16, 17, 22, 23, 28, 31, 33, 35, 38,
44, 59
Johnson, Deshaun - Ep 15, 17, 22, 23, 24
Jordan, Joe - Ep 16
Junk, Scott - Ep 48
Kaheaku, Danny - Ep 11
Kahoano, Haku - Ep 9
Kalama, Kaipo - Ep 14, 24
Kamaka, Brennan - Ep 5, 58
Kamaka, Bryson - Ep 34
Kamaka, Kai - Ep 28
Kamanse, Bradda - Ep 33
Kaneshiro, Eben - Ep 15
Kang, Dennis - Ep 14
Kato, Tetsuji - Ep 22
Kawano, Bruce - Ep 36
Kazeta, Jin - Ep 7
Kekahuna, Sly - Ep 58
Kikuchi, Jim - Ep 10, 25, 32
Kim, Danny - Ep 5
Koka, Kolo - Ep 12, 16, 20, 23, 30
Kollar, Kip - Ep 10, 47
Kronewitter, Ryan - Ep 32
Kuikahi, Isaac - Ep 33
Kupihea, Kauai - Ep 5, 15
Kurano, Mark - Ep 1, 2, 15, 28, 42, 43, 47
Kwan, Kaleo - Ep 31
Laga, Paul - Ep 21
Lam, Tommy - Ep 19
Lambert, Jason - Ep 22
Lawler, Robbie - Ep 37, 42, 45, 46, 49
Leben, Chris - Ep 50
Leite, Thales - Ep 35
Lee, Aaron - Ep 24
Lee, Ryan - Ep 30, 44
Li, Edmund - Ep 32
Lindland, Matt - Ep 22
Lizares, Rylan - Ep 15, 47, 50, 59, 60 (Tiffany), 63
Lober, John - Ep 39
Long Jiu-Jitsu - Ep 10
Lopez, Domi - Ep 44
Lopez, Jose - Ep 3
Manners, Albert - Ep 34
Marsh, John - Ep 22
Marshall, Andrew - Ep 58
Melendez, Gilbert - Ep 17
Menne, Dave - Ep 20, 38
Mercado, Justin - Ep 22
Migita, Lloyd - Ep 1
Miller, Jason - Ep 14, 16, 18, 28, 31, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43,
45, 46, 48, 49
Minor, Dez - Ep 14, 24
Moeller, Aaron - Ep 59
Moreno, Mark - Ep 12, 25, 37, 43, 44
Muniz, Jair - Ep 63
Myers, Gary - Ep 41
Naito, Yukiya - Ep 9
Nakamura, Harvey - Ep 16
Nakamura, K-Taro - Ep 44
Nam, Tyson - Ep 41, 45, 46
Newalu, Ed - Ep 25, 44
Nicholson, Jason - Ep 22
Nonaka, Kimihito - Ep 21
Noons, KJ - Ep 56
Okami, Yushin - Ep 23
Olivares, Kyle - Ep 59
Omigawa, Michihiro - Ep 38
Onzuka, Chris - Ep 4, 5, 7, 15, 18, 21, 47
Onzuka, Mike - Ep 4, 5, 15, 18, 21
Oshiro, Mark - Ep 44, 45, 46
Ostovich, Bob - Ep 6
Pacarro, Shane - Ep 34
Padilla, David - Ep 40, 51
Pajarros, Edrick - Ep 16
Pak, Scott - Ep 1, 2, 15
Palaskewski, Bart - Ep 23
Paling, Stephen "Bozo"
- Ep 6, 11, 12, 17, 26
Panalber, Mike - Ep 8
Payat, Jeremy - Ep 33
Penn, BJ - Ep 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 60
Perez, Asrian - Ep 5
Perkins, Jamual - Ep 5, 34
Perreira, Larry - Ep 57
Pontes, Fernando "Margarida" - Ep 32
Pu, Vance - Ep 22
Pulver, Jens - Ep 26, 35
Quach, Bao - Ep 26
Ramos, Koa - Ep 52, 58
Rangel, Jesse - Ep 30
Renken, John - Ep 3
Ribeiro, Vitor - Ep 26
Riggs, Joe - Ep 22
Ritch, Shannon - Ep 18
Roberts, Andre - Ep 8
Roberts, Tyrone - Ep 9
Rogers, Mike - Ep 22
Rua, Mauricio "Shogun" & Marcelo "Ninja"
- 43
Rush, Billy - Ep 12
Santiago, Kaimi - Ep 31
Sarmiento, Harris - EP 20, 21, 23, 30, 31
Sato, Rumina - Ep 23, 26
Sauer, Tom - Ep 21
Savant Young, Trenel - Ep 33
Schultz, Ryan - Ep 22, 23
Scott, Brad - Ep 15, 24, 60
Scoval, Jake - Ep 58
Sequin, Brendan - Ep 14
Seraille, Ray - Ep 8, 41
Shields, Jake - Ep 26, 38, 40, 51
Shimanishi, Haru - Ep 4
Shiraki, Ronn - Ep 10, 58
Silva, Sidney - Ep 25, 32
Soriano, Jocelyn - Ep 8
Souza, Eha - Ep 33
Sperry, Mario - Ep 57, 58
Suda, Masanori - Ep 12, 18
Sukehira, Kyle - Ep 15
Sylvia, Tim - Ep 56
Takao, Kyle - Ep 25
Tanaka, Mike - Ep 33, 34, 38, 43, 44
Taylor, Shawn - Ep 16, 24, 25, 28
Thomas, Penny - Ep 52
Thompson, T. Jay - Ep 7, 14, 28, 30, 50
Thorton, Derek - Ep 48
Tigre, Marcelo - Ep 32, 39
Torres, Anthony - Ep 10, 28
Trigg, Frank - Ep 38, 45, 46, 48
Tsuneyoshi, Curt - Ep 36
Tuiloma, Tommy - Ep 63
Tyler, Lincoln - Ep 3
Tynanes, Miles - Ep 21
Usui, Hayate - Ep 44
Verissimo, Renato "Charuto" - Ep 38, 49
Villa, Chino - Ep 59
Vitale, Niko - Ep 3, 5, 9, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 23, 37, 39, 42
Walker, Paul - Ep 16
West, Charlie - Ep 5
West, Chris - Ep 24
White, Dana - Ep 17
Williams, Edward - Ep 34
Williams, Jeremy - Ep 47, 48
Wolfel, Kimo - Ep 42
Woods, Paco - Ep 33
Yagin, Eddie - Ep 3, 7
Yamamoto, Norifumi "Kid" - Ep 11, 12, 20
Yeung, Beta - Ep 3
Yeung, David - Ep 25
Yoshida, Baret - Ep 7, 15, 24
Yrojo, Gil - Ep 57
Club TV Episodes |
Episode Now Airing
Fighters' Club TV Episode 63 is finally cut and submitted to
Olelo Programming.
will air in our normal time slot;
Tuesday night, 8pm on Olelo Oahu Channel 52
--or can be viewed via stream at Olelo.org at the same time of
it's scheduled airing.
Episode 63
and Mark back in action from the 1st Jewel of Romolo's Triple
Crown of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
-interviews and footage of Rylan Lizares vs Jair Muniz
-Andy "Danger" Cohea vs LJ Borges
-Dejuan Hathaway vs Tommy Tuiloma
+intvw w/ Dejuan Hathaway (featuring our special guest interviewer!)
Comments, Questions,
and Suggestions to: fctv@onzuka.com
Aloha, FCTV808
Club TV Episode Archives |
Episode 63 features:
and Mark back in action from the 1st Jewel of Romolo's Triple
Crown of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
-interviews and footage of Rylan Lizares vs Jair Muniz
-Andy "Danger" Cohea vs LJ Borges
-Dejuan Hathaway vs Tommy Tuiloma
+intvw w/ Dejuan Hathaway (featuring our special guest interviewer!) |
Episode 62 features: |
Episode 61 features:
Episode 60 features:
A new episode that features the Pac Sub tournament at the MMA
We talk to the pound for pound best fighter in the world, BJ
East coast to Guam transplant and technical wizard, Mike Fowler
shows off his leopard print hair and explains how he got his
BJJ black belt in only 4 years!
K- Team and Relson Gracie competitor supreme, Brad Scott talks
Last, but certainly not the least, the lovely, but fierce Mrs.
Bjjtek expounds her roll as the enforcer of the Hawaii Ground
better known as the HG.
Don't forget to join up on MMA.TV and become part of the most
prestigious MMA forum in Hawaii, THE HAWAII UNDERGROUND! where
you can talk to us and many other key players in the MMA industry
in Hawaii including some of the top fighters here and in the
Episode 59 features highlights from the Grapple Fest:
Rylan Lizares vs. Chino Villa
Johnny Hendricks vs. Aaron Moeller
Ron Jhun vs. Kyle Olivares
Rylan Lizares vs. Ron Jhun
episode 58 will run in our normal timeslot of 7pm on Oceanic
Channel 52 Olelo Oahu Tuesday nights, March 25, April 1, 8, &
58 features:
Highlights from the Pacific Invitational Jiu-Jitsu tournament
Interview & footage with purple belt heavyweight & absolute
Kelly Grissom (Relson Gracie Kaneohe Team)
2. Interview with tournament director Ronn Shiraki
3. Highlights & great subs from Jake Scoval & Luke Hacker
from Longman JJ, Dustin Grace from Kaneohe Team, Lenora from
Team HK, Andy Marshall vs. Dr. Suehiro & many more...
highlights from the Dole Cannery including:
-Interview with fight promoter Sly Kekahuna
-170 lbs HFC champion Keoni Bryant
-Interview with Koa Ramos with highlight of fight with Bryson
-Highlight of Brennan Kamaka in action
of the Week:
-Mario "Zen Machine" Sperry demonstrates the standing
guard pass
Demello's report
-Kala Hose vs Phil Baroni fight highlights & inteview with
Kala Hose
-Extended unedited interview with Phil Baroni
Club TV Episode 57 is complete and submitted to Olelo programming.
It will air in our normal timeslot at 7pm Tuesday nights on February
19 and 26, and March 4 and 11 on Olelo Oahu Oceanic Channel 52.
57 features:
from Gil Yrojo's Hawaii Fight League with interview from Gil
Yrojo, Dr. Byron Izuka, and Larry Perreira
from Kai Garcia's Boar's Nest w/ Mario Sperry!
of the week: the MMA Halfguard Pass by Mario Sperry
Demello's KITV report on ICON's "To Hell And Back"
Kala vs Baroni
of course, two of your favorite Olelo personalities, Mike Onzuka
and Mark Kurano
Club Television Episode 56 is cut and submitted to Olelo programming.
It will run as a (by) episode as we've been swamped with our
days jobs and should run only this Tuesday the 15th in our normal
times slot of 7pm (HST) on Oceanic Channel 52 Oahu only.
episode revisits every Technique of the Week from 2007 and also
features a recent fun interview with KJ Noons and also a vintage
interview with Tim Sylvia after he beat Wes Sims.
new episode featuring our normal antics will run from the following
Club Television Episode 53 is cut and submitted to Olelo programming.
It will run as a (by) episode as we've been swamped with our
days jobs and should run only this Tuesday the 15th in our normal
times slot of 7pm (HST) on Oceanic Channel 52 Oahu only.
episode revisits every Technique of the Week from 2007 and also
features a recent fun interview with KJ Noons and also a vintage
interview with Tim Sylvia after he beat Wes Sims.
new episode featuring our normal antics will run from the following
We return
with our huge Christmas show!
In this episode, we meet on of the rising stars of the 170 lb
class and showcase his huge win over Rhalan Gracie, Eastsidaz's
Koa Ramos. Ramos has also been training at 02 Martial Arts Academy
with us as well and you will see huge things in the future from
this talent.
Another man that burst on the MMA scene is Kana Hyatt. We get
a chance to talk with Kana and after two big wins, he is one
of the fighters to beat at 135.
Penny Thomas, one of best female grapplers in the world, provides
our technique of the week!
We have much, much more on this episode including the usual one
scoop of Mike and one scoop of Mark with gravy all over. Mmmm
we're back! After a bit of a break due to Mark concentrating
on his fight at Elite XC where he was victorious, FCTV comes
back with another great show!
take a look at a new event, in a new venue, by a new promoter...Fighters
interviews one of the top fighters in the world at 160 lbs, Cesar
Gracie student, Nick Diaz. This interview was conducted just
before his now epic battle with Hawaii's own Mike Aina in Elite
gets a chance to chat with another Cesar Gracie student and one
of the best at 170 lbs, Jake Shields.
have a very special guest for our technique of the week segment
that you do not want to miss!
always, your warm and inviting hosts, Mark Kurano and Mike Onzuka
tastefully batter back and forth for your entertainment and enjoyment.
we feature the wizard Matt Hume. Matt is the trainers' trainer,
one of the pioneers of MMA both as a fighter and promoter as
well as started one of the first, if not the first, MMA organization
in America.
is also a master at leg locks. This is a seminar that was done
at the Icon Martial Arts and Fitness Center.
We preview
the new Icon Sport Martial Arts and Fitness Center and talk to
their many instructors!
end the age old question of is it "Leeben or Layben"
for UFC Vet Chris Leben who is one of the head instructors at
talk with local grappling star Rylan Lizares.
Lastly, we talk with the man behind the promotion and center,
T. Jay Thompson.
Fighters' Club Television Episode 49 has been cut and submitted
to Olelo programming (Oceanic Channel 52) and will run in our
normal timeslot of 7pm, Tuesday night, April 10, 17, 24, and
May 1st!
Episode 49 features:
- Interview with
current ICON 185lbs Champion, Robbie Lawler on his recent fight
with Frank Trigg (includes highlights of his championship fight)
- Charuto Verissimo's
full fight from Icon Sport "All In" with interview
- Interview with
Jason "Mayhem" Miller on his latest fight with Hector
(includes highlights from that fight)
- Interview with
Bull's Pen's Justin Bulcholz on his fight with Marshall Harvest
- Technique of the
week by Enson Inoue!
- FCTVemail: Mark
and Mike answer a BUNCH of your questions
- Some ring girl
The RAW version of Fighters' Club TV Episode 48 has been submitted
to Olelo programming and will run in our normal timeslot: 7pm
Tuesdays on Oceanic Channel 52 (Olelo-Oahu)
Episode 48 features
- Our very own Mike
Onzuka's "behind the scenes" look at a filming of ICON's
preview show.
- Footage from ICON's
"All In" including interviews and highlights of Jeremy
Williams vs Derek Thorton, Scott Junk vs John "Furious"
George, and Frank Trigg vs Jason "Mayhem" Miller
- A "stalker"
level look at the ring girls of Icon
- Technique of the
Week featuring Enson Inoue
Fighters' Club TV Episode 47 is cut and submitted to Olelo programming.
It will air our normal timeslot of 7pm every Tuesday night on
Olelo Oahu Channel 52. It will show on Jan. 23, 30, Feb 6 and
-Highlights from
the 2007 January NAGA Absolute No-GI Division, featuring Bruno
Ewald, Dave Chew, Rylan Lizares, and a few more of Hawaii's top
-interviews with
NAGA promoter Kipp Kollar and MMA.TV owner, Kirik Jenness.
-Icon Sport highlights
of Jeremy Williams (Pro Boxer) vs Ron Fields (MMA veteran)
-Technique of the
week, Mike and Mark demonstrate the kimura keylock
-FCTVemail, Mike
and Mark go over a bunch of viewers questions so don't miss this
as it might be yours!
Fighters' Club TV Episode 46 is cut and submitted to Olelo Programming.
It will run in our normal timeslot at 7pm every Tuesday night
on Olelo Oahu Channel 52. Airdates are Dec. 19, 26, Jan 2, and
Episode 46 features:
-Jason Mayhem Miller vs Ruthless Robbie Lawler + interview with
Robbie (from Icon's Sep 2 show)
-Tyson Nam vs Mark Oshiro + interview with Mark (from Icon's
Dec 1 show)
-Technique of the Week:
Shooto Middleweight Champion and Pride Star, Shinya Aoki demonstrating
the upside down heel hook
-FCTV EMAIL: Mike and Mark answer YOU THE VIEWERS in our newest
-Mike interviews Frank "Twinkletoes" Trigg after his
win in the Dec 1 Icon UNSTOPPABLE show.
-Stay tuned for the credits for KITV's report on Mayhem vs Trigg
Fighters' Club TV Episode 45 is cut and submitted to Olelo programming.
It will run in our normal timeslot at 7pm on Oceanic Ch 52, Tuesday
night--the 21st and 28th.
This is a mix of
the ICON Sport preview show that features Jason Miller, Frank
Trigg, Robbie Lawler, Tyson Nam, and Mark Oshiro--and Mark, Mike,
and Chris's antics, so you don't wanna miss it.
Fighters Club TV Episode 44 is cut and submitted to Olelo Programming.
This is an especially funny episode if you like watching Mike,
Chris, and Mark "ham it up" (ala bloopers). It will
air at our normal timeslot of 7:00PM on Tuesdays from October
3rd until the 10th.
Episode 44 includes:
- Highlights from
Brennan Kamaka's "Punishment in Paradise" at the Dole
- Kickboxing match between Ryan Lee and Domi Lopez
- MMA match between Hayate Usui and Ed Newalu
- MMA match for the Pacific Rim Shooto Middeweight Title between
Ron Jhun and K-Taro Nakamura (w/ translated interview of K-Taro)
- Highlights from
Mike Miller's "X1"
- Featuring fight highlights and interviews with Mark Oshiro
and Mark Moreno
- Technique of the
- Mike Tanaka demonstrating Speed Bag technique
- Our newest segment
- Mike and Mark read off some viewer email and answer questions
on the air
Also, don't forget to watch the credits if you like to see the
FCTV guys screw-up bad.
Episode 43 includes:
- Best of 2006 Technique
of the Weeks
- Shooto Champion, Shinya Aoki leg lock and standing arm bars
-Mauricio "Shogun" & Marcelo "Ninja"
Ruas' Muay Thai clinch break to knee
- Mike Tanaka's Hook
- Jason Miller's D'arce choke
- Mark Kurano "Kuma Crusher"
- Highlights from
X-1 Welterweight Championship Bout: Mark Moreno vs Ross Ebanez
Fighters' Club TV Episode
42 is cut and sent programming. It will air in our new timeslot
of 7pm, Tuesday nights on Oceanic Channel 52. (Olelo-Oahu). This
Episode will run Aug. 15, 22, 29, and Sep. 5.
Episode 42 features:
- Highlights from
Mike Miller's X1; Dylan Clay (Brazillian Freestyle JJ) vs Kimo
Woefel (Eastsidaz)
+ Interview with Dylan
- Highlights from
Niko vs Lawler II + Interview with both Niko and Lawler
- Highlights from
Mayhem vs Gamlin + Interview with Mayhem
- Some hot ring
chics from X1
- Mayhem's new training
regime in Kalihi
- Technique of the
Week by the one and only, Mark "The Other Guy" Kurano,
demonstrating a reverse entry into the D'arce Head and Arm Choke
Episode 41 is cut and submitted to Olelo programming. It will
run in our new
timeslot of 7:00PM,
Tuesdays on Oceanic Channel 52. Episode 41 will air on July 18,
25, August 1, and 8.
kick off our new season featuring:
Highlights from Rick Lee and Derek Brights' GOT SKILLS at the
- Highlights of Tyson Nam vs Bill "the Spider" Dexter
(+ interview w/ Tyson)
- Highlights of Ray "The Big Easy" Seraille vs Gary
"Iron Bear" Myers
(+ interview with the fighter previously known as "Kong")
Technique of the Week:
Shooto Middleweight Champion, Shinya Aoki demonstrating a wicked
achilles lock
A brief cameo by Jason "Mayhem" Miller
A short tribute to the Ring Girls of the last ICON event
Hawaii's 3 favorite FCTV crew in action,
Mike "the Icon", Chris "The Handsome One",
and Mark "the other guy w/ no radio show"...
Highlights from Rumble on the Rock's 175 lbs tournament
- With special interviews done by our guest host, Jason "Mayhem"
Miller from the weigh-ins
- Interview with tournament winner Jake Shields
- Featured bout from Brennan Kamaka's Punishment in Paradise
between Ryan Cayetano (Smith TKD) vs Ikaika Choi Fu (JIL)
- Featured bout from Icon Sport: David "Kawika" Padilla
vs Adam Bass
Technique of the Week:
Jason Miller demonstrating his famous "D'arce" Choke.
don't miss the credits where you can catch FCTV's Mike and Chris
Onzuka (and the other guy, Mark Kurano), hamming it up after
the fights. Somebody actually "threw in the towel"
on us - you don't want to miss that!
Episode 39
Highlights from
Platinum Limo's X-1 @ the Blaisdell Arena
- Jay "X-calibur" Carter vs Josh Ferriera (+ interview
with Jay Carter)
- The return of Marcelo Tigre vs John "the Machine"
Lober (+ interview with Marcelo)
FCTV special correspondant,
Jason "Mayhem" Miller interviews Phil "The New
York Bad Ass" Baroni on his win over Kondo and what's next
for him in Pride
Full fight from
Icon's Mayhem Miller vs. Niko Vitale (+ interview with Jason
*don't wanna miss this one - it's a total back-n-forth war*
Technique of the
Week: Aoki Shinya demonstrating his infamous "Standing Armbar"
(aka "Wakigatame" for the Judo freaks)
Don't miss the credits
where the Ring girls of Rumble on the Rock flaunt their "assets!"
Episode 38
Highlights from Rumble on the Rock 175lbs Tournament
- Interview with Frank Trigg and highlights of his fight with
Ronald Jhun
- Highlights of Jake Shield vs Dave Menne
- Highlights of Carlos Condit's KO of Charuto Verissimo
- Interview with Cabbage Corriera with highlights of his fight
with Butterbean Esche
of the Week:
Mike Tanaka of Kalakaua Gym demonstrating the Left Hook on FCTV's
very own, Mike Onzuka
Highlights of Judo vs Jiujitsu from Icon's last show between
Jason Chambers vs Michihiro Omigawa
Stay tuned to the credits where you can catch Chris Onzuka's
interview with
UFC and Pride veteran, Murilo Bustamante.
Episode 37
- Highlights from
Superbrawl 41
- Niko Vitale vs Robbie Lawler (with interview with Robbie Lawler)
- Jason "Mayhem" Miller vs Mark Moreno (with interview
with Mayhem)
Episode 36
- Rumble On The Rock Highlights
- David "Tank" Abbott vs Wes "Cabbage" Correira
(with interview with Tank)
- Highlights from
X-1 Battlegrounds at the O-Lounge
- Interview with event promoter, Curt Tsuneyoshi
Technique of the
- Bruce Kawano teaches the Cuban slip and punch
Episode 35
Fighters' Club TV Episode 35 is cut and submitted to programming.
Airdates as follows: Nov 15, 22, and 29
Tuesday nights at 9:30pm on Oceanic Ch.52 (Olelo on Oahu)
Episode 35 features:
-Highlights from ROTR qualifier fight between:
-Ronald "The Machine Gun" Jhun vs Thales Leite
(plus an interview with Thales, this guy's a bad ass and BJ Penn's
sparring partner)
Think you're a true MMA fight fan?
Do you know who Randy "The Natural" Couture is? How
about Jens "Lil Evil" Pulver?
Find out what Randy's feelings are on TUF2, the UFC, and steroids.
Jens talks about the Pride GP that he just fought in and his
severe eye injury. Did you know he's been blind in one eye since
his fight? Find out these things and more...
And of course, Hawaii's
favorite FCTV personalities, Chris "the Handsome One"
Mike "the Icon" Onzuka, and Mark "Special K"
Kurano (aka. "the other guy")
Don't miss the outtakes over the credits where our true talent
is showcased!
Episode 34
Episode 34 brings it for our hardcore fans that want fights that
they missed. This episode features the very popular Icon Sport/Super
Brawl feeder show, Full Contact Showdown that took place on June
9, 2005.
Bryson Kamaka vs. Shane Pacarro
Makoa Hanaike vs. Justin Holcombe
Gerald "G-Money" Arevalo vs. Albert Manners
Jamual Perkins vs. Edward Williams
of the Week:
Mike Tanaka from Kalakaua Gym shows some of the finer points
of boxing
Episode 33
Episode 33 is cut and submitted to programming. Personally I
like this one. It will run on September 6th, 13th, 20th, and
27th at our new time: 9:30pm, Tuesday nights on Channel 52 (Olelo-Oahu).
Maui will receive a copy of the show in the next week so check
your local listing on Akaku.
Episode 33 features:
Highlights from
"Lockdown in Paradise"
-Paco Woods vs Adam Ah Sue
-Trenell Savant Young vs Kendall Groves (interview with Savant)
-Jumar Dumaoal vs Eha Souza
-Isaac Kuikahi vs Jeremy Payet
-Ronald "The Machine Gun" Jhun vs Jay Heiron (interview
with Jay)
-Fabiano Iha vs (interview with Fabiano)
-interview with Lockdown Promoter Braddah Kamanse
-and let's not forget some cool footage of the "Ainokea"
Ring girls
Technique of the
-Mike Tanaka of Kalakaua Boxing Club teaches the uppercut
Catching up with
Egan Inoue
-How's he doing? Where's he been? What are his plans for the
All those questions answered in this great interview. Plus, a
sneak peak at his women's self-defense class
And, Hawaii's favorite
FCTV hosts "hamming it up", Mike "Icon" Onzuka,
and Mark "T.O.G.--the other guy" Kurano
Episode 32
This episode
will run on Aug. 9 and 16 (Tuesday nights) at 9:30PM on Channel
32 features:
Highlights from Shooto Hawaii
Casey Daniels vs. Thiago Gonsalves
Ryan Fukuda vs. Edmund Li
Jim Kikuchi vs. Ryan Kronewitter (+interview with Jim)
Ray Braddah Cooper vs. Hermes Franca (+interview
with both fighters)
of the Week:
- Fernando Margarida Pontes
- The return of Marcelo Tigre vs. Joe Demeritt (+ interview with
Interview with Sydney Silva on his encounter with a burglarone
of those great Jiujitsu in Action stories, so dont
miss it!
Episode 31
Airing once only this coming Tuesday (July 12) at our new timeslot of 9:30pm on Channel 52.
This episode features:
- Highlights from
Punishment in Paradise 9 as reported by FCTV's own Chris Onzuka
- Ronald Jhun vs Shigetose Iwase (plus interview with Ron)
- Casey Daniels (Kodenkan) vs Kaimi Santiago (Puna Boyz)
(this one's for those who like to "BANG")
of the Week:
- Jason Miller demos an X-guard sweep + an interview on his UFC
- Proving Grounds
at Dole Canery in Honolulu
- Harris Sarmiento (808 Fight Factory) vs. Kaleo Kwan (Eastsidaz)
and as always, hosted
by Hawaii's favorite FCTV heart throbs:
Mike "The Icon" Onzuka and Mark "Special K"
I know, I know,
when's the next new episode? JULY 19!!! Don't
Episode 30
Superbrawl: Full Contact
Showdown 1 in it entirety.
- Ryan Lee vs. David
- Harris Sarmiento vs. Walter Ha'o
- Sgt. Steve Byrnes vs. Jesse Rangel
- Kolo Koka vs. Candido Estrada
+ Interviews w/
Steve Byrnes and Kolo Koka by Mike Onzuka and our special correspondent,
Tommy Dakota!
Pretty exciting
stuff so dont miss it.
Episode 29
Episode 29 is cut and submitted
to programming.
It will air March 8 and 15 Tuesday night at 830pm on oceanic
This episode was
cut by Enson Inoue himself and sent to us.
It's a great highlight real of his career in Japan and a must
see for diehard Yamato Damashii fans so don't miss it.
Highlights from Superbrawl 37 (Hawaiian Adventures Water Park)
-Anthony Torres vs. Shawn Taylor
-Kai Kamaka vs. Tony Espitia
-Ronald the Machine Gun Jhun vs. Jason Mayhem
Miller (+intvw w/ Jason)
-Intvw w/ Superbrawl Promoter T. Jay Thompson
Highlights from the 155lbs SUMA (Stand Up Martial Arts) tournament
at the Hyatt Regency
-Harris Sarmiento, David Yeung, Kaleo Kwan, Ryan Roy, Jerry Farabay,
Jack Thames, Tristan Witt
-Interviews with SUMA announcer Mike Tanaka and fighters, Jack
Thames and Kaleo Kwan
Technique of the Week: by special request (youll
see what we mean)
FCTV Host Mark Kurano w/ his famous Judo Chop
from Soljah Fight Night
Sato vs. Bao Quach (+ a rare intvw w/ Shooto star, Sato)
-Jens Little Evil Pulver vs. Stephen Bozo
Palling (+ a double intvw w/ both Bozo and Little Evil)The
Fight of the Night
-Vitor Shaolin Ribeiro vs. Mitsuhiro Ishida
-Jake Shields vs. Ray Braddah Cooper for the Shooto
Middleweight Belt (+ intvw w/ Jake)
-and we even have some Ring Chics doing their thang
also had a chance to speak w/ Team Punishments Quinton
Rampage Jackson on his fight/slam w/ Arona, and pre-fight
thoughts on Vanderlei Silva (Quinton takes the FCTV 2004 Bleep
Award for this interview)
of the Week:
Jason Mayhem Miller
stay tuned for the credits for outtakes from pre-ROTR intvw w/
JD Penn.
25 is cut and submitted to programming. This one will only run
once as it is a very raw, barely cut version. Been
off island a lot and consequently have been set back a bit in
the edit bays. This will air Tuesday night @ 830pm on Channel
52--Oct 26th only, so set your VCRs if you have to miss it.
The first 4 fights from Soljah Fight Night (in its entirety).
-Sidney Silva vs. Shawn Taylor
-David Yeung vs. Jim Kikiuchi
-Ed Newalu vs. Kyle Takao
-Mark Moreno vs. PJ Dean
Club TV Episode 24 has been cut and submitted to programming.
It will air in our normal timeslot on Oceanic (OLELO) Channel
52Tuesday nights @ 830pmSep. 21, 28, Oct. 5 and 12.
This Episode features:
Highlights from the Pro-am Hawaiian State Grappling Championships
at St. Louis High School Gymnasium.
- Baret Yoshidas matches (+interview with Baret)
- Brad Scott - taking one for the team
- Alesandros (Sandro) matches and playoff w/ Baret.
- Interview with Tournament promoter Romolo
Highlights from the SUMA (Stand Up Martial Arts) event at the
Hyatt Regency Waikiki
- Kaipo Kalama, Desi Minor, Chris West, Shawn Taylor, Aaron Ferguson,
Deshaun Johnsonto name a few
- Interviews with Kaipo Kalama, Desi Minor, Chris West, and tournament
promoter, Aaron Lee
of the Week:
Relson Gracie Black Belt, Sam Mahi
from Superbrawl 36 155 lb TournamentKolo Koka, Mike Aina,
Harris Sarmiento, Deshaun Johnson, Justin James, Bart Palaskewski,
Roger Hueta, and Ryan Schultz
Plus interviews with Ryan "The Lion" Schultz and BJ
PennMike Ainas trainer
-Also from Super Brawl 36, Niko Vitale vs. Yushin Okami with
interview with Niko
Technique of the Week:
Shaolin Ribeiro demonstrating a wicked leglock from the half-guard
-Interview with Ronald Jhun on training and his upcoming UFC
debut plus his fight w/ Andrew Chapelle in Ring of Honor
Brennan Kamakas Punishment in Paradise:
Corey Daniels (Team Vitale) vs. Jason Nicholson (808 Fight Factory)
+ intvw w/ Corey
Harris Sarmiento (808 Fight Factory) vs. Ben George (Bulls
PJ Dean (Hardknocks) vs. Deshaun Johnson (HMC) + intvw w/ PJ
Productions, Rumble on the Rock (7MAY04)
Royden Demotta vs. Vance Pu + intvw w/ Royden
Harris Sarmiento vs. Justin Mercado
Jason Lambert vs Mike Rogers
Joe Riggs vs. Kendall Groves
John Marsh vs. Cabbage +intvw w/ Marsh
Ronald Jhun vs. Ryan Schultz +intvw w/ Ronald
of the Week:
Purebred Omiyas Tetsuji Kato demonstrating a leg-lock takedown
w/ BJ Penn
in Paradise Highlights from 11/30/03
Ron Jhun vs. Kyle Brees
Ron Jhun vs. Ryan Schultz with Ron Jhun Interview
Royden Demotta vs. with Royden Demotta Interview
Matt Lindland vs. Tony Fryklund with Matt Lindland Interview
John Marsh vs. Cabbage Correira with John Marsh Interview
Kaynan Kaku vs. Santino DeFranco
Joe Riggs vs. Kendall Groves
Harris Sarmiento vs. Justin Mercado
of the Week:
Purebred Omiyas Tetsuji Kato leg lock
"Bradda" Cooper Interview with a tease of his BIG upcoming
Shooto fight
Onzuka's debut investigative piece on BJ Penn.
(What every local needs to know about their star fighter)
from Superbrawl 35
-Curran vs. Nonaka (+ interview w/ Jeff Curran)
-Doerksen vs. Fukuda (+ interview w/ Joe Doerksen)
-Enson Inoue vs. Tom Sauer (+ interview w/ Sauer)
of the Week:
-Back by popular demand, Chris and Mike cover some half-guard
passing techniques that every fighter should know
Hawaii's 2 favorite FCTV hosts, Mike Onzuka and Mark "the
other guy" Kurano.
miss the credits--Matt Hughes talks about Hawaiian fighters,
BJ and MMA...
-Highlights from the 155lbs tournament from Superbrawl 33
-Laga vs Koka
-Koka vs Sariento
-interview w/ Enson "Yamato Damashii" Inoue on training,
life, japan, and his upcoming fight in SB 35 vs. Tom Sauer
-Additional highlights from SB33
-Vitale vs Menne + intvw w/ Niko
Technique of the Week:
-Norifumi "Kid" Yamamoto (this is a real "banger")
-Exclusive intvw w/ FCTV friend, Kofi Debrah on one of Enson's
Pre-MMA fights (Ouch!)
-Highlights from Ray and Monica Cooper's "AFC 4,"
including interviews with both winners and Ray "Bradda"
-Highlights from Master Mike Del Mar's "Solo Baton Escrima
-Highlights from the 6th "Sport's Jiujitsu Tournament"
+ interview with tournament Coordinator, Tommy Lam
Technique of the Week:
-BJ Penn (a MUST SEE!)
favorite techniques of the weeks from 2003
-Falaniko Vitale's Toe hook/Foot lock
-Egan Inoue's heel hook
-Enson Inoue's arm bar from the guard
-Don Frye's standing side choke
Technique of the Week:
-Chris and Mike Onzuka's takedown to triangle from the mount
highlights from Superbrawl 32 of both
-Egan Inoue vs. Jason Miller (+ interview with Jason)
-Masanori Suda vs. Shannon Ritch (+ interview with Suda)
from Rumble on the Rock (Oahu)
-Ross Ebanez vs. Gil Castillo
-Renato "Charuto" Verisimo vs. Gil Castillo
-Gilbert Melendez vs. Stephen Paling
-Ronald Jhun vs. Shawn Taylor (+ interview with Ron)
-Santino DeFranco vs. Deshaun Johnson
-BJ Penn vs. Takanori Gomi (+ interview with BJ--his personality
shines through in this one!)
-interview with UFC president Dana White on BJ's fights and ROTR
of the Week:
(back by popular demand)
-Enson "Yamato Damashii" Inoue showing a unorthodox
wrist lock.
from Superbrawl 31.
Ronald Jhun (808 Fight Factory) vs. Tiki Ghosen (Team Oyama)
and interview with Tiki
Edrick Pajarros (808 Fight Factory) vs. Harvey Nakamura (Grappling
Jason Miller (Team Oyama) vs. Shawn Taylor and interview with
Kolo Koka (Grappling Unlimited) vs. Joe Jordan (Kentucky)
Falaniko Vitale (Grappling Unlimited) vs. Justin Ellison (Walt
Bayless) and interview with Niko
An exclusive interview with Egan Inoue on his injury and comeback.
one for the ladies--we have a special interview with "Too
Fast Too Furious" star (and also a big MMA fan), Paul Walker.
of the Week:
The "Urban Legend" Enson Inoue showing the mount smoother
with bonus footage of Enson Training his son Erson during the
credits, so stay tuned for that!
from "Kickin' It 2"
-Catch some of the west-side's up-and-coming kickboxers: featuring
fighters from 808 Fight Factory, Team Big Dog, Nanakuli Self-Defense...
-an exclusive interview w/ "K.I. 2" promoter, Danny
Kaheaku conducted by our own Chris Onzuka
of the Week:
-The Onzuka Bros. demonstrate 3 techniques from the "X-Guard."
Be sure to set the VCRs on this one
--better than private lessons, and all due to viewer request
--we really do listen to what you have to say!
from this year's NAGA Tournament:
-See some of Hawaii's best grapplers in action: Baret Yoshida,
Falaniko Vitale, Ivan, and Rylan Lizares (w/ intv) from Grappling
Unlimited, The Furuta Bros., Brad Scott, and Sandro from Team
Relson Gracie, Scott Pak from Shobukan Judo, Kauai Kupihea from
808 Fight Factory, Kyle Sukehira and Eben Kaneshiro from Kamole,
Deshaun Johnson from HMC (w/ intv), and many more great fighters
from around the island.
stay tuned for the credits where you can see FCTV's own, Mark
Kurano, being systematically dismantled by Falaniko Vitale in
a fairly exciting (at least edited to look that way) no-gi match.
30 8-man tourney highlights
-Jason Miller (Egan's future opponent) vs. Jay Buck
-Desi Minor vs. Joe Doerksen
-Dennis Kang vs. Brendan Seguin
-Kaipo Kalama vs. Jonathan Goulet
-Jay Buck vs. Joe Doerksen
-Dennis Kang vs. Kaipo Kalama
-Joe Doerksen vs. Brendan Seguin
w/ Doerksen, Kang, and Miller
of the Week:
-Enson "Yamato Damashii" Inoue armbar from the guard
-an exclusive interview w/ Superbrawl Promoter T. Jay Thompson
on upcoming SB news.
Highlights from Superbrawl 29 (9MAY03)
- Kuniyoshi Hironaka vs. Mark Moreno
- Kolo Koka vs. Billy Rush
- Stephen "Bozo" Paling vs. Mike Hominick (+ interv.
w/ "Bozo")
- Norifumi "Kid" Yamamoto vs. Jeff Curran (+ interv.
w/ "Kid")
- Egan Inoue vs. Masanori Suda (presented in a multi-angle play-by-play
interview w/ Egan)
- Chris Onzuka interviews Phil Baroni (Don't miss this one!)
Technique of the Week
-featuring local fan favorite, Falaniko Vitale demonstrating
his deadly toe-hold
8:30PM Tuesday night time slots
-Highlights from Ray and Monica Cooper's "AFC 3" at
the Waikiki Shell
(including intv w/ Ray)
-Highlights from Danny Kaheaku's "Kickin' it" at Palama
(w/ intvws w/ Danny Kaheaku, Ron Jhun, Stephen Paling)
Technique of the Week:
Featuring Purebred's Norifumi "Kid" Yamamoto
demonstrating some of his NHB takedowns
(plus highlights from his fight w/ an always tough Jeff Curran
in Superbrawl 29)
Highlights from the 2002 NAGA Tournament.
interviews w/ Coordinator Eric Goo & President Kip Kolar,
and Superfight Champ Ronn Shiraki
-Grappling footage of:
-808 Fight Factory's Jim Kikuchi and Ronald Jhun
-Grappling Unlimited's Will Hagerty and Anthony Torres
-Relson Gracie students (the Furutas, Ronn Shiraki, A.J.)
-Longman Jiu Jitsu students
More Superbrawl 28 footage including:
-Falaniko Vitale vs. Tyrone "The Native" Roberts ("The
Chief's little brother)
w/ post fight interviews of both fighters
-Egan Inoue vs. Yukiya Naito, including intv w/ Egan
(Naito was a little to beaten down to talk--you'll see why)
Technique of the Week:
"Making the Band" Ikaika's big brother,
Haku Kahoano demonstrating a bit of Muay Thai.
Superbrawl 28 footage
-Andre "the Chief" Roberts vs. Raymond "King Kong"
Seraille (w/ post fight intvs)
-Ronald "the Machine Gun" Jhun vs. Mike Panalber (w/
post fight intv)
Technique of the Week:
-Don Frye demonstrating a viscious no-gi Judo Takedown (+ exclusive
introducing our new female co-host, kickboxing and TKD instructor,
Jocelyn Soriano
Your favorite 2 MMA hosts (Mike O. & Mark K.)
Superbrawl 25 highlights featuring:
-Eddie Yagin vs. Jin Kazeta (+intv w/ Eddie)
-Baret Yoshida vs. Jason Bress
-Egan Inoue vs. Martin de Jong (+intv w/ Egan re: fight analysis/retirement/his
Chris Onzuka will be making his FCTV debut as roving reporter
conducting the interviews.
Technique of the Week:
UFC, PRIDE, & Pro-Wrestling Champion,
Don "The Predator" Frye demonstrating the standing
And, a FCTV exclusive interview with Superbrawl Promoter T. Jay
Thompson regarding the mysterious ring announcer, Tommy Dakota
"Jesus Is Lord Gym"
including interviews with: Ray "Bradda" Cooper, Stephen
"Bozo" Paling, and Bob "Bob-O" Ostovich.
Including some of their favorite highlights from "Warrior's
Mike Onzuka's Technique of the Week
Features Egan Inoue demonstrating 2 leg locks
Danny Kim's Pacific Taekwondo
Force Fighting Championships
Fred George vs. Asrian Perez
Jamual Perkins vs. Juan Ayala
Falaniko Vitale vs. Charlie West
Brennan Kamaka vs. Jason Bruddick
Cabbage Correira vs. Kauai Kupihea
Technique of the week:
Chris & Mike Onzuka - Takedown to mount to triangle
Superbrawl 22 cont'
Egan Inoue vs Joe Doerkson
Cabbage Correira vs. Miles Tynanes
Technique of the week - HMC's Haru Shiminishi
Superbrawl 22 1st 4 fghts
Beta Yeung vs. Sarah Finaseth
Eddie Yagin vs. Ryan Diaz
Lincoln Tyler vs. Jose Lopez
Fakaniko Vitale vs. John Renken
Technique of the week - Relson Gracie
of the week - Mark Kurano & Scott Pak
Relson Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy
NAGA - Hawaiian Grappling Championships
Mark Kurano & Scott Pak
Grappling Unlimited
Shobukan Judo Club