The Official
Photo Gallery
Page One of One
Pictures were taken at Kaiser on March 30, 2001
by Uncle Michael Onzuka
More pages will be coming (IF THEIR PARENTS SEND
The First Days of Life
The Proud Daddy!
Finally a family picture (below) that Kristin has authorized for publication!
You know how those new mothers can be about their appearance (Neal just wears a hat).
Hunter is getting stronger and stronger by the day. More pictures coming soon.
Just 4 days old and look how much he has improved!
4-10-01 He just found out that Neal was his dad (kidding).
Maybe his dad put his diaper on backwards.
5-18-01 Looks like he's picking up some weight (now 7.5 lbs), just like his old man!
6-2-01 Here's another picture that shows Hunter at 9-1/2 lbs and looking a bit chubby (finally).
Neal put the black ab sweat belt to tighten up those washboards.
7-2-01 Hunter is going for that Hawaiian look.
7-29-01 Four Months Old.
9-14-01 A Little Older, A Little More Hungry.
10-11-01 Now that's a happy boy!
11-28-01 Hunter has already been working on his sprawl and trying to breaking out of the "joint."
10-23-03 A very grown up looking Hunter kicking back. He's starting to get that Tomimatsu Mac look going on.
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